Walk this way
The outcomes we hope for are:
- A feeling of better health
- A growth in confidence in participant’s ability
- Development of new skills and new friendships
- A unique guide of the area.
15 families from all over Stroud took part over 5 days in the summer of 2008. Only one day was cancelled due to bad weather. 90% of participants asked for a copy of the finished postcard pack to make walks into town more interactive. GP surgeries and Stroud Tourist Information will be approached to see if packs sell well if available to buy. Three key GP surgeries that cover the top of town area:- Locking Hill, Beeches Green, and Rowcroft.
We would also like to take the final product to Matt Pearce at Stroud District Council to show him how arts could be incorporated into his Exercise on Prescription programme.
The project was based at the Parliament Children’s Centre who regularly work with families from the top of town area. Working with artists Alice Hodge and Helen Rimmer, stories and digital images were collected to create a walk around the area that could be turned into an ‘I-Spy’ game and postcard pack.
Two support staff assisted us on the walks and ensured parents had time to take part in the activities. We tried to pick suitable locations to rest and sit down during the walks. These tended to be at playgrounds, which both the children and the parents appreciated and enjoyed.
To begin with the Parliament Centre had one digital camera and Art Shape supplied two more. Eventually most participants brought their own and even borrowed cameras from friends to allow each of their children to have one too.
Funders & contributors total funding was £1000 from the Primary Care NHS Trust. Staff assistance hours were donated by the Parliament Children’s Centre. Coordination of the final printing and graphic design input was supplied by Art Shape’s talented staff.
The post card packs will be available from Stroud Tourist Information Office and participating GP’s Surgeries for £2.95 each or from Art Shape through the All Square Arts website www.allsquarearts.co.uk at £3.95 including postage & packaging.
“I learnt my camera has a memory card and Dylan, my son learnt how to write a poem!”
“I like the idea of combining photography and writing and it’s great for my boys (8&4) to do something together as they love taking pictures.”
“Seeing patterns everywhere….really looked at things, as if with new eyes.”